We at the Olympics

In the upcoming events, the Indian team performance was unmatched -shooter AvaniLekhara scripted history by the win of Indivivual medals.Ending at 19 medals (12 in Rio and 7 in Tokyo). It has been a remarkable recoginition in the area of Special needs. Praveen Kumar winning his silver at the men’s high jump too.This has increasedContinue reading “We at the Olympics”

Reimagining Education

We need to completely reimagine education. Instead of learning to memorize facts and figures, students need to “learn how to learn” and how to solve problems they should be allowed to learn independently. Changes are needed at every level. We have to infuse things like entrepreneurship into the curriculum because with the disruption that’s goingContinue reading “Reimagining Education”

SORTING ACTIVITIES- Why is it essential

Children have a natural desire to make sense of their world, to create order in a world that seems largely out of their control. For that reason, sorting activities often attract children. In fact, many children will start sorting things without even being taught. Many parents have likely walked into a room to see their young childContinue reading “SORTING ACTIVITIES- Why is it essential”

Self esteem & Children

Why is Self-Esteem in Children so Important?Self-esteem development begins very early in children and is intricately linked to t he kind of adults they become. Repeated failure can lead to self-esteem issues and a drop in confidence. On the contrary, success tends to instil a sense of accomplishment and assurance in their abilities. However, childrenContinue reading “Self esteem & Children”

Sleep Patterns

Why is Sleep Important for Children?Sleep plays a crucial role in the development of young minds. In addition to having a direct effect on happiness, research shows that sleep impacts alertness and attention, cognitive performance,mood, resiliency, vocabulary acquisition, and learning and memory.Sleep also has important effects on growth, especially in early infancy In toddlers, nappingContinue reading “Sleep Patterns”

“Tips on Staying Awake while reading to your Child “

We all know how important reading to children is, Niraya emphasis essential tips for Parents while reading to your child before you drift off to dreamland and leave your kids with a half-finished story, try these tips for staying alert during reading time: Vary Your LocationYour comfy sofa or reading chair might be just a little too comfy,Continue reading ““Tips on Staying Awake while reading to your Child “”

Tips for Parents with Children with needs:

10 Things You Can Do to Protect Your Child with Autism from Wandering Children with autism are at risk of wandering and getting lost. It’s important to have a plan in place to prevent children with autism from wandering and ensuring their safety in case they wander. Here are 10 things you can do toContinue reading “Tips for Parents with Children with needs:”

Quick tips during COVID-19

Guidance for Kids By Developmental Level When you talk to your child or teen, it’s important to use words, phrases, and examples that are developmentally appropriate. Here are tips for helping preschool kids, school-age kids, and teens and young adults. Preschool Kids (Ages 2- 6): Preschool kids are more in tune to and affected by parentalContinue reading “Quick tips during COVID-19”

Why Cleaning up is so important

Clean up time:Setting the Expectation from Day OneFrom their very first day in the classroom, Children help clean up! They are joining a community of teachers and children who are active participants in maintaining order in the classroom environment. The expectation, from the beginning, is that they, too, will help keep the classroom clean andContinue reading “Why Cleaning up is so important”


Play and unscheduled time that allow for peer interactions are important components of social-emotional learning for a child. Play is essential to development because it contributes to the cognitive, physical, social, and emotional well-being of children and youth. Play also offers an ideal opportunity for parents to engage fully with their children. Despite the benefitsContinue reading “IMPORTANCE OF PLAY”

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