We at the Olympics

In the upcoming events, the Indian team performance was unmatched -shooter Avani
Lekhara scripted history by the win of Indivivual medals.Ending at 19 medals (12 in Rio and 7 in Tokyo). It has been a remarkable recoginition in the area of Special needs.

Praveen Kumar winning his silver at the men’s high jump too.This has increased the awareness about Parasports .Sumit Antil at Javelin throw, Manish Narwal at shooting and Pramod Bhagat at Badmintion, Bhavinaben Patel at Table Tennis and Singhraj Adhana at shooting.
All Children with Special needs can benefit from excercise, energy release and pure enjoyment of playing sports .hence inculcating this at home or in their school routines is inexcusable.

Benefits for special needs children of sports are plenty:

1) Better Overall fitness
2)Control of weight
3)Healthier Bone Density
4)Better Emotional and pyschological health
5)more self-esteem
6)Improved motor skills
Any sport can be altered to give children with special needs the cardio,flexibility and strength training benefits that allow children to stay healthy and fit.
The buoyancy felt in the water while swimming offers a sense of freedom for children who use wheel-chairs.Therapeutic riding programme for instance can help children learn to ride a horse with correct instruction. In our country ,there needs to be a variety of wheel chair sports,teams and leagues.
Parents must encourage the same for health and fitness and also to play the desired sport.
Appropriate National Structure and Programmes have to be developed.In addition to the Competitive aspects of Sports the social ,personal , fun and health aspects of physical activity should be promoted.Continued attention must be given to school Physical Education curriculum to ensure the development of Comprehensive Programmes.
I would like to commit to increasing the quality and quantity of physical activity opportunities for people with disabilties.
Our own attitude enables them to move beyond the obstacles in order to find and implement adequate solutions.We lead the way.
Some quick tips for special needs sports persons:
*Acknowledge the importance of motivation

  • *Discover each Individuals unique motivators
    *Encourage teamwork
    *Commend successes
  • *Set Achievable goals

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