
Neha Mathur Rastogi

Nayika is a highly qualified child educator across a spectrum of skills. While interacting with my child the first thing she built was trust and reliability – bringing down the academics to something the child can understand in their own unique way. I am grateful to her for the wonderful and enriching experience my child has with her.

Ritu Bhayana

Nayika was and will be an integral part of Aryaman’s life. The love and care Aryaman got being part of her care group can be summed up to “beautiful and warm”. She has the ability to understand the need of a child and how to reach a child’s maximum potential. It’s been four years since she left Vasant Valley School but she asks about Aryaman which touches us. God bless you with the strength to keep doing this work, good luck and love always

“Nayika was my son’s First class teacher ,it has been seven years but he still remembers her very fondly.She did some creative workshops on good values for children like -Planting a tree, Reduce -reuse -recycle and other themes to keep the children engaged constructively.She has a special knack for children and a personality that attracts them towards her disposition..keep it going-All the best Naiku.”

Mandira Lamba

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